AnnaRose Einarsen – Hypnotist and Magician

The first and only woman hypnotist to headline a hypnosis show on the world-famous Las Vegas strip.

Her new MAGIC show is based on the long lost treasure of the strips first magician- Gloria Dea.


Interview on the story of finding the treasure of first magician on the strip: (you have to cut and paste to see this video- direct link is blocked)

‘Best of Las Vegas Awards”

Mid-Western Values with Stunning Showbiz Pizzazz!

Under the Influence: in the best way possible!

I am reaching out to express our profound appreciation for the hypnotist show performed by AnnaRose last night. It was truly a pleasure to have her grace our campus with her exceptional talent. The event was an absolute blast, and the buzz among our students today is palpable. SE OK STATE UNIV Aug 23, 2023

Audiences can go “under the influence” of modern hypnotist AnnaRose in the ultimate showcase of the subconscious mind. Guaranteed to be the best show that audiences of all ages will want to sleep through; AnnaRose puts the cherry on top of her vivacious spirit with comedy and mental mystique.

As a child growing up in Iowa, AnnaRose aspired to be a spy, a businesswoman, AND a Spice Girl. Today, her career has unfolded to include the most exciting elements of her childhood visions. 

While earning a degree in International Studies, AnnaRose also loved psychology, the the power of the mind. She took that new found love for psychological intrigue, adventure, and mystery and turned it into rockstar show.

In conjunction with being a top-tier performer in the variety entertainment industry, she is also trained in clinical hypnotherapy. Her experience and qualifications make her a master of subliminal suggestion, influence, subconscious, reprogramming, and mental conditioning. Her dynamic nature is exhibited further by her ability to personalize the show to gain the likeness of diverse audiences.

college show